2. Bucklers Mead Leisure Centre (Yeovil)

Welcome to our page, we are available for consultations and sessions throughout the week.

Our Gym Opening Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 09:00 – 22:00
Friday: 09:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 13.00
Sunday: 09:00 – 12:00
16:00 – 21:00


Our Staff

Facilities Available

  • Gym


£24.99 per month on a Standard Membership, £18.75 a month with PTL Membership.
Alternatively, £4.30 per session via Pay As You Go.

Specialist Qualifications

  • L4 instructor

    Level 3 is the minimum standard for exercise professionals who are part of the ProActive scheme. Some providers have Level 4 instructors, who are qualified in specialist conditions.

How to find us

How do I Join ProActive

An individual will follow a participation pathway from the very first ProActive discussion, through to, and beyond, completion of a programme of physical activity.

Send an enquiry to 2. Bucklers Mead Leisure Centre (Yeovil)